I believe that to be human is to (learn to) work with life without ever fully understanding why: ‘Who serves best doesn’t always understand.’ (Czeslaw Milosz). It is to survive but also to thrive by adapting creatively to an ever-changing world… Like all of us I have been influenced by a number of things: growing up in Belfast where I was born into a fractured Protestant-Catholic world; working in Kitui, Kenya as a Catholic priest; researching and writing a Ph.D with Thomas Berry; being married to Ann since 1995; experiencing friendship all along the way. Today, my focus is to contemplate and savor these experiences and offer a perspective to others on their journeys. I have found that Mindfulness Dialogue provides a helpful method, practice and model for doing this.
Personal Guidance to help you discover and live your one, wild and precious life….
Professional Coaching to help you integrate this into your work-life in order to be more creative and more effective.
To help build workplaces that bring out the best in people
To help us live together in ways that are creative and truly sustainable
Call or Text: 914 645 8816Email: [email protected]